Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cover off, my cat ate the new corn seedlings in my jiffy planters? That was surprise. Will they keep growing?

I planted some Hopi blue corn and the seedlings were about two inches high. I had them on the kitchen counter letting them air a bit. My crazy cat ate them. I did not expect that.

Why did he do that?

Will the corn just keep growing or die off?

Cover off, my cat ate the new corn seedlings in my jiffy planters? That was surprise. Will they keep growing?
The answer is kinda yes kinda no. Corn is one of those plants that resent being transplanted, so even if your cat hadn't helped himself to a salad, it probably wouldn't have thrived anyway. However the seedling "stumps" should survive to produce a second helping for your cat. Cats and even dogs are prone to "grazing" this time of year, so plant some more greens for kitty. This time plant any untreated grass seed or small grain in small containers every couple weeks for a constant supply. Back to your "Hopi blue", you can start your corn in a jiffy but don't expect a normal 6-8 ft. plant with 12 in. ears. What you will get in effect, is a cute little "dwarf" 3-4 ft. with little 4in. ears suitable for a container. If you want a normal crop of corn plant directly in the garden after the ground is nice and warm. RScott
Reply:I don't think they will keep growing in the cat, if that's what your asking.. (kidding)

he ate them because something's missing in his diet. or he had a tummy ache.. like dogs eat grass.

better try to re-germinate the corn.

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