Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My plant is dying!?

I recently planted a flower seed in a clump of dirt near the tap in my garden, it was growing okay for a little while then it started shriveling up and turning yellow. it's stuck at a perpetual inch in height now and I don't know how to fix it. help?

My plant is dying!?
Turning yellow is a sign of either too much or too little water. I know, great lot of help that is, but you know about how much water the plant is getting. Under the tap, it may be too much.

Depending on the species, it may or may not need direct sunlight. If its shriveling, it may be too much sun if it prefers indirect, partial light, or shade. If you know the species, either look it up on the Internet, or go down to your local nursery and ask them.

NEVER fertilizer seedlings, unless you're sure you won't do harm. It can burn them as they are very susceptible now. Wait until the plant is at least 3 - 6 inches tall.
Reply:cover it in mircle whip
Reply:take it to a professional pruner im sure they can coat it down in some healthy vitamins for a reasonable price
Reply:cant help it unless you try moving it to a drier location and there isnt a guarantee that will help it...sounds like damping off which does result in death
Reply:There are any number of things that can cause what you describe . . .

too much/little moisture

not enuf consistent lite or warmth

bug infestation (under/and/or/above ground)
Reply:Try urinating on it....The vitamins in Your urin is great for making plants grow :-)
Reply:If you tell us what the plant is perhaps we can help you.
Reply:Turning yellow? Try giving it more sunlight!
Reply:give it some compost or plant food, make sure that it has plentty of sunlight and water
Reply:Could you give more info? What kind of flower is it? What kind of sun does that location get? Is the area it's in generally very wet or very dry? What is the temperature like right now where you live? Have you fed the plant since you planted it? I love %26amp; grow lots of plants. I also work in the turf care industry. But more information would be needed to determine your plants problem. It could be as simple as too much water or sun. Or it could be the season if you have climate changes. Try digging it up, since it is still small, and put it in a pot and give it special attention for a while. If it is very wet then try not to water so much. If you haven't fed it then try some plant food. Move it to different places in your yard to see if it likes it better somewhere else. Good luck to you and if you need anymore advice please feel free to email me.
Reply:that happened to my moms plant, im not much of a plant person but the plant was SO CUTE!! then it started wilting and shriveling then it just went BROWN...we didnt know wut to do because we KEPT it watered an in the window.

my step dad had the idea to cut off the brown leafs...then it just started GROWING LIKE KRAYZEE!!!it looked even better than b4!!

u should trim the dead parts off DEFINITELY!!
Reply:Ok stay calm. It either makes it or it doesn't.

God can take care of it just fine, so you find something else to occupy your mind. : )
Reply:are you over watering it? is it too dry? Does it get too much sun? Is it too shady? Sometimes it's best to start seeds in doors....what kind of flower is it? Also, Miracle Grow plant food helps!
Reply:Its probably getting too much water

Try potting it in a small pot with good soil and alittle super phosphate( good for root growth) the you need to find out if it is a shade loving or sun loving plant

There is more to growing plants than just sticking a seed in the ground and thinking its gonna grow by itself'

do some research on the type of flower you planted
Reply:Need more info,what kind of flower?
Reply:It could be getting cold.

There could be bugs.

What happened.
Reply:Catepillars are always a problem in fall along with aphid infestations in Arizona. Some of my current seedlings are getting hit hard with tiny catepillars and hosts of aphids and other plant loving bugs. You may have to bring it inside and give it some isolation from the rest of the world.

It is a hard life, being a seedling. . .
Reply:What type of flower seed. If its near the tap it may be it does not like to much water and you are drowning it. Dig it up and pot it. Take care with the winter months. It would help if I knew what it was.
Reply:plenty of sunlight and water, maybe try feeding it sugar water too, that should help

and if your really desperate the best way is to blend mushrooms with water and feed it that the mushrooms have heaps of nutrients in them

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