Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How long can I keep plants in the pots I bought them in?

I'm buying plants for an area that won't be ready for them for another 3-4 weeks. How long can I keep creeping raspberry in the 4-inch store containers before they absolutely have to be transplanted and what should I do to keep them in best condition like that? Is it possible?

How long can I keep plants in the pots I bought them in?
You can keep them in the pots but make sure they have enough light and water them at least every other day - if its hot, sunny or windy, water them daily. When it comes time to planting them and you take them out of those little pots, take a look at the roots. If the roots are very thick and wound tightly in that little pot, loosen them or cut off the roots at the very bottom of the pot so the roots have a change to grow down into the soil. If you have to cut the roots, remove all the flowers and buds at the time of planting so that the plant can spend its energy growing roots till its well established, then it will go back to producing flowers.
Reply:Yes, this can be done. If it were me, I'd put them in a south facing window and keep a close watch on the soil. Small pots dry out quickly.

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