Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How does English Ivy do if planted in the Fall??

I am considering planting around 700 4 inch pots of English Ivy this October or I might wait until Spring now.

I am sure the English Ivy wont really grow any before next Spring, but will the roots still grow over the winter any and , for that reason, would it be better to go ahead and plant it in the Fall or will it not make a difference?

Thanks for your answers!

How does English Ivy do if planted in the Fall??
If you're going to plant 700 pots of it you'll end up with an uncontrollable forest in a couple of years. Beware! ! !
Reply:For the best results wait untill the spring, then feed with a high nitrogen fertilizer.
Reply:Please, you must give your location if you are to get a good answer. But in general English Ivy is hardy enough to be planted at any time of the year. But avoid planting it in frosty weather. Unless your ground is almost desert you don't need to fertilise it. The addition of peat compost will help retain moisture.
Reply:October is considered a very good time to plant.

Just remember the old saying about vines. The first year they sleep, the second year they creep and the third year they leap!
Reply:Plant it now. You almost cant kill Ivy. Give it a fertilizer as yoiu plant it. It will be beautiful by the spring. It grows till severe frost.
Reply:You really don't have to feed Ivy, it will grow anywhere. It's almost a waste of fertilizer. Put it where it's needed more.

Make sure you space the plants out well because once it takes hold it will spread rapidly.

I have ivy over one wall and cut it back by half now once a year.

You don't say where you are planting it, but if it in a sheltered area it will be well established by the spring.

Ivy is a shrub so the autumn is the perfect time to move it or plant it.

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