Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I have a aquarium with a banana plant.?

But the banana plant is getting too long for my tastes. If i cut the long stems, will the plant die, or will the banana plant just grow back?

the original stems were 3 inches long. the two new stems are more than a foot long, almost a foot and a half. they are reaching out along the surface of the water. What can i do to stop the plants from growing too long?

I have a aquarium with a banana plant.?
Cutting the errant leaves of a Banana Plant (Nymphoides aquatica) should be no problem. Cut them as close to the "bananas" as possible to minimize the left over stem that would otherwise rot in the tank. They will just regrow the leaves in an attempt to annoy you, so you will stay relatively busy trimming them.

Soop Nazi

EDIT: There is no reason to lessen your lighting or reduce your nitrates or phosphate as long as you aren't seeing algae issues. Reducing those aspects (specifically nitrate and phosphate) could result in the death of your plants, not just the stunting of their growth.

EDIT 2: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Also, Water Lettuce does far better as a floating plant than it does underwater (where it has a tendency to rot)... Also, Water Lettuce is illegal to transport into Alabama, California, Florida, South Carolina, and Texas, where it has become an invasive species.
Reply:assuming we are talking about the same plant -- the little lily with the banana shaped tubers -- its fine to trim off the longer stemmed newer leaves. they are a member of the lily family -- they will send up pads that float on the water if you don't keep it well trimmed.
Reply:Lower your lighting to 8hrs or less. Lower your Nitrates and Phosphates.
Reply:banana plant is not good looking plant why don't u keep water lettuce plant in your tank. it doesn't grow too big. this is very beautiful aquatic plant and one of my favorite plant. i have some in my ten gallon tank. they are growing very nicely and it helps my fish to provide oxygen too.
Reply:they will just grow back
Reply:as long as you leave a few healthy leafs for the plant to obtain sunlight, i had the same problem

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