Monday, January 30, 2012

I live in Ohio and we think we planted the seeds in our garden too deep. Will things still come up?

We planted corn, watermelon, peas, peppers, carrots...

This is our first garden and we planted everything about 6 or 7 inches deep. It has been planted for about 3-4 weeks and only a few little sprouts.

I live in Ohio and we think we planted the seeds in our garden too deep. Will things still come up?
No - as a rule of thumb, you plant seeds only 2-3 times their size in terms of depth - very few vegetables get planted deeper than 1/2". Whatever has come up has worked its little buns off, so you will see a few of those but everything else is just rotting down there, you should just get more seeds and overplant the area.
Reply:You will be fine.The soil has to warm up for the seeds to germinate.The corn will be OK,the peppers should be.Peas are a little deep,just keep the soil moist and give the plants some time.
Reply:should be fine will just take a little longer to reach the surface since you planted them a little bit to deep happy gardening
Reply:That is way too deep for most seeds. I'm a bit surprised you got the sprouts.

If you check the packaging on your seeds, you will find that the usual recommended planting depth is between 1/8 and 1/4 inch deep. Some suggest a bit deeper, but not many.

There is one thing, though: You will know that your sprouts have well-developed root systems, and that they are extremely sturdy!

Good luck!
Reply:I'm in Ohio, too. The soil has stayed cold much later than most years.

Corn, beans, watermelon, peppers...all need WARM soil to germinate. They'll just sit there until it warms up. Being so deep - it will take a little longer to warm up - AND to work their way to the surface.

Carrots take forever to germinate in any circumstances.

It will definitely add time when you've planted them so deep. Corn, Watermelon, peas...I'd plant about an inch down. Peppers, 1/2 an inch. Carrots...just a fine covering of soil. They need light to germinate.
Reply:Probably nothing more.

It's too late to replant. You will have to buy plants to get veggies now. Don't look for peas. They don't sell pea plants. The corn seeds will probably grow, but ask for the one with the shortest maturity time. Carrots take 10-14 days to sprout, so I doubt you'll get large ones.

In the future, read the package. All the info you need is there!

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