Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I have a 22 inch catfish in a 10 gallon aquarium....?

i have a 22 inch catfish in a 10 gallon aquarium....

here's a picture:


do you think i have enough room for a dog fish?

lol, just kidding folks.

my real question IS about stocking, but nothing to do with cats.

i'm putting together a very heavily planted 10 gallon tank and i was intending on keeping two powder blue dwarf gouramis because i heard they prefer to be kept in pairs. problem is i can't find females anywhere. does anyone know where i can find a quality male/female pair (price is not a problem)? or should i not even bother and just get two males? or in absence of a female would he be happier alone?

also looking for ideas for other fish i'll keep; i was thinking about four guppies OR sparkling gouramis (all male). i like the look of the lyre tail guppies sold where i work, but the gouramis have the added benefit of being labyrinth fish which is good for a planted tank since the oxygen levels will dip at night.

I have a 22 inch catfish in a 10 gallon aquarium....?
I was ready to really give you what for! a 22" catfish in a 24" tank!! what are you thinking!!! LOL what a cutie!

I've gotten female dwarf gouramis from aquabid.com. I think you can also get them here:

Reply:the grouami is related to the betta fish, upon adult hood they can become VERY agressive, the males in the tanks at your work are fine because ther elal still young, however 2 adult mles tend to be highly agressive, gouramie also tend to be fin nippers so guppy are not a good plan.

a good grouping woould be a single male gourami, with a couple cory cats or ottos (both are good algea/scavengers for planted tanks, plecos get too big and eat plants!)

and then a school of 6 small "dither fish" zebra danios are cool and now come in some cool colours and patterns, the blue spotted "leopard" danios are very pretty and the zebras have now been bred in bright colours and called glowfish. (this is anatural not injected colouration change so wont fade like straberry/blueberry tetras do...)

cherry barbs are nice PEACEFULL barbs that would also do well, or cardinal tetras (neons work too but tend to be too fragile...

unfortunatly a 10 gal kind of limits you, a blue goruamie can easily reach 3-5 inches, as long as your filtration is good you can get away with overstocking a little with a nice 5-6 fish school and some ceanup crew, but i wouldnt do multiple gouramies or more than 1 "top level" fish in a 10 gal.
Reply:Love the picture, that's hilarious!
Reply:id go with 1 male dwarf gorami and the guppies.
Reply:Lol, cutest picture ever - what an adorable cat!

In regards to your fish problem:

I realise you're not in the UK (I think..) but I found some on eBay.

(http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Blue-Dwarf-Gourami... )

Try fish stocking websites, and also talk to your LFS and ask when they get fish deliveries. Ring up on these days and ask if they have any in. There should be some in larger shops, they are sometimes hard to spot.

I would say if the tank is heavily planted two males would be fine, but speak to your LFS before and say 'If I have problems, could I swap one for a female?' They're usually okay with it.

I'd go for two gouramis rather than guppies in the tank - just for personal choice to be honest!

Good luck :)
Reply:males will fight all the time so maybe websites that sells fish can give you the female you need.
Reply:ha! you tricked me into looking at your question! i was expecting fireworks here. anyway, you want a female dwarf gourami but you dont want female sparkling gouramis? what give, the sparkling gourami babies will be so tiny you couldnt see them. mine are around two weeks now and they're about the size of a newborn molly just to give you an idea. you wont even know they're there so you're not gonna be facing a population explosion unless you want one. i almost threw mine out. good thing i siphon into a pail and doublecheck before throwing out the water, i never even saw them spawn. now, if you want a female powder blue dwarf gourami. i've never seen one. they just dont sell them. here in manila there's this place with probably 40odd fishstores side by side and when i have time i go into each and everyone to try and find female powderblues or flame reds but so far, no luck.. i was able to find some females of the original dwarf gourami. maybe, thats what you should do, because boy gouramis always look better when they're trying to impress the girls..

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